Monday, August 22, 2011

Feeling sleepy again in the afternoon...

How to stay awake during working hours??!!! Even got work to be done but still very sleepy...been resting at home during last shopping spree but still...haiya...macam mana ini...hahahah...

Regarding my preparation for my incoming child and confinement, about 90% done..left few things to buy which means I have to wait for my month end salary...Haven't bought my Amway's Confinement Set yet..

My hubby and I have sent all the baby's stuff to my mom's kampung because I will do my confinement there..I haven't sort out my clothings to bring over to hospital beg too 90% prepared..

have heard my 2 friends have given birth last, my church sister, Susan, is on the way now in the labor ward..hope she is doing fine and have an easy pregnancy..Lord, protect her from any harm and danger especially during labor time..
My boss too anytime from now as she is now entering the 37th week pregnancy..

This week, I am in my 35th pregnancy..still 5 more weeks to go....getting excited? Yes, I am.. :-) getting nervous? Yes, I am..feeling scared at the same time?? errghh...I do!!!

Lord, please give the me the strength to go through all that... 

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