Friday, March 25, 2011

Life has been so busy lately...

Hola!!!...It has been a while I do not update my blog..I have been busy at work and at night I did not have the energy to write but to sleep. Having back pain and bad headache...

There are so many things happening within this 2 weeks..I will update what I have done, get new stuff for myself and where have I been...when I got the time the upcoming weeks, I will be busy on projection duty for certain masses and key in some prayers for the upcoming retreat and RCIA masses...

Till then, watcha!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Lunch Date with my ‘long- time-no-see’ friends

Silvia and Sylvia ( same pronunciation but different person, yeah..huhuh) , jangan kecik hati when I said ‘long-time-no-see’ friends..Bukannya apa, it has been a long time we don’t have a long, long conversation and have fellowship together…I love to have a chit-chat with you all face to face rather than Yahoo Messenging online..tak shiok bah..
I really had a nice time with you all at the Oldtown White Coffee Café at the Spring Mall just now..Forgot to cam-whore photos with you all lah just now..Too bad, Ms Song could not make it today ( anyway, I had nice drinking session (not drink liquor, yeah lol )  with her last Monday too).
I love to have another fellowship with you all again. Tapi bila lagi ya?? Hahah..alamatnya, kena tunggu another school break holiday lagi kot?? Hahahahah… ;-)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

1st visit to Klinik Gita and 1st Maternity Dress

March 14, 2011 ( Monday )
In the morning, I went to Klinik Ibu dan Kanak-kanak Gita, Matang and register for the first time. I need to go there as I plan to give birth at the government hospital. Giving birth at the private hospital will cost more than I could afford for. Went there at 8am but my turn was almost 10am. Luckily I took 2 pieces of bananas to fill up my stomach. The nurse took my weight (78kg, still maintain..hehe..), check my urine and blood. She also did breast checking as well to check whether there is any lump or not.
The nurse booked another appointment on March 21 at the Jawa clinic as I need to see doctor there for checkup. My mom brought me lunch at Singapore Chicken Rice, Rubber Road and reached office at 11.30am.
Not long after that, around 12.15pm, Pn. Wira, my boss, invite me going out with her for lunch at the Hills. We went there because we had function to attend at the Pullman Hotel.  Perhimpunan Awam bersama Dato’ Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam and State Secretary. Many civil servants attended this function.  Finished at 4pm and had high tea there.  While waiting for Trey to fetch me, I met Ms Song, Norisma and Sopi (my ex-colleagues) there. We went down to the Hills Shopping mall and Ms Song is so kind and willingly to accompany me while waiting for Trey. We ended up at the Station One café and I had cold white coffee latte with vanilla. I should have taken the photo of my drink. It is so yummy. Loving it..We had a nice long chit-chat there. She left at 5.20pm and Trey had not arrived yet. So, I roaming around the shopping mall.
While walking, I saw one shop (Faby Outlet) selling maternity clothings (selling rejected Crocs shoes and also kids clothings) and I went in to have a look. Belek punya belek, tengok punya tengok, I admire one short dress and I tried. When I tried, I already falling in love with this dress and feeling so cute and adorable…(shiok sendiri..hahaha) At the first place, I don’t plan to get any maternity clothing yet till after 3 months and I have been telling everybody that I would not buy because it is still too early and don’t want to get too excited buying all that first. But my tummy is getting bigger and bigger so fast until most my office wear cannot fit me anymore.. Finally, I got one and cost me RM 59.90....

Ruthies's Journal: My Belly Photos From Week to Week

Ruthies's Journal: My Belly Photos From Week to Week: "surprise to see my belly is so big like 4-5 months belly..I guess my fat belly is been pushed to way for my lil bum'..."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Pregnancy Symptoms - Week 10

  • Back pain especially at my lower spine…
  • Being emotional (crying over a kitten being killed by animal abuser  and the video clip spread out in the internet)
  • Extreme fatigue and sleepy
  • Body feels weak
  • Weird dreams
  • Headache
  • Feeling tightening at my lower abs/tummy
  • Bulging tummy
 But still no morning sickness occured.. :-)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Taking Metformin

I started taking metformin when I first met my doc gynae at Normah clinic.  As some of you know that Metformin is supposedly treating for diabetic patients but it is also known to treat PCOS symptoms as well.
“Metformin is a drug sold under the brand name Glucophage and Glucophage XR. It is primarily used to treat type 2 diabetes – the non-insulin dependent diabetes. People with Type 2 diabetes do not make enough insulin or do not respond normally to the insulin their bodies make. This causes glucose, or sugar, to build up in the blood stream, which can cause serious damage to the body. Similarly, women with PCOS commonly have insulin resistance, a condition wherein extra insulin is needed in order to transport glucose into the blood stream where it belongs. High levels of glucose or insulin in the blood stream can cause obesity, infertility, heart disease and diabetes.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pregnancy Symptoms - Week 9

The main pregnancy symptom that I had was EXTREME FATIGUE. Even though sleep early but still very sleepy on the next day..After work, I can just dozed off in the car..

Last Friday (4/03/2011) was the worst..Reached home, took early dinner and shower..after shower, I terus got to sleep till 11pm waken up by Trey who came in to sleep..then at 11.30pm, sleep again…on the next day, woke up a while to do coffee for Trey and back to sleep again till feeling tired…

Oh yeah, I almost forgotten, I had sciatica during pregnancy as well…when I get up from the chair or wake up from can feel pain from my buttock to my hip...I could feel the sharp pain on my left leg when I walk...It still hurt but can still bearable..Sometimes I ask Trey to massage my left leg just to relieve the pain a lil' bit..

I still have other symptoms like other weeks as well…
I think I put on weight this week.. lots of makan-makan event happening this week..but hope not that drastic otherwise doctor will scold me.. hahah…
Though lots of makan-makan but still at night, lose appetite but hungry..

my lil' bum is getting bigger.. :-) my tummy bulging a lil bit but no cramp or pain occured.. :-)

p/s: more info at

What is sciatica?

The sciatic nerve is a large nerve which comes from your lower back and travels down the back of your legs and then branches out to your feet. It allows you to feel sensations and move muscles in your legs. Sciatica is where inflammation or pressure from the back causes the sciatic nerve to become painful. Sometimes, the function of the nerve can become impaired resulting in weakness or pins and needles. Sciatica can be present with or without backache and can send pain down the back of your leg.

Kitten abuser identified

Kitten abuser identified ( click this link to read the news)

When I received the link from my friend in Facebook, I am glad that this girl has confessed of what she did to the kittens..I really feel sorry for the kitten and the mother cat..the mother cat tried to save her kitten twice but to no avail...I imagine myself as the mother cat and I know how must she felt and I know how the mother cat usually protect her kittens when they still young..I cried and cried when I read this news and preview the image clip taken from the footage. I don't have the guts to see the clip but I previewed the images..gosh, it is so SAD!!! I just cried and cried and I am typing this while I am crying..Why lah we have these kind of people in our society..How can she said that she did this just because of she depressed over her parents' divorce..but that just a lame excuse...that is not the way to release tension by killing the poor animal...they also need love from us..gosh!!!! feel wanna hit and poke her with the umbrella too!!!!

I myself have cats at home and I really sayang them as part of my family too though..Animals too have heart and feelings..they are living things created by God. How could people does cruelty to animals more specifically pets..

I guess my hormone changes makes me so emotional until like this..but who cares..I hate animal abuser!!!

p/s: feeling a bit better after I wrote this...