Thursday, March 10, 2011

Taking Metformin

I started taking metformin when I first met my doc gynae at Normah clinic.  As some of you know that Metformin is supposedly treating for diabetic patients but it is also known to treat PCOS symptoms as well.
“Metformin is a drug sold under the brand name Glucophage and Glucophage XR. It is primarily used to treat type 2 diabetes – the non-insulin dependent diabetes. People with Type 2 diabetes do not make enough insulin or do not respond normally to the insulin their bodies make. This causes glucose, or sugar, to build up in the blood stream, which can cause serious damage to the body. Similarly, women with PCOS commonly have insulin resistance, a condition wherein extra insulin is needed in order to transport glucose into the blood stream where it belongs. High levels of glucose or insulin in the blood stream can cause obesity, infertility, heart disease and diabetes.
The main goal of Metformin is to lower blood sugar levels to normal. It does this by decreasing the amount of sugar made by your liver, decreasing the amount of sugar absorbed by your intestines and by helping your body better process the insulin it makes.
Metformin does not cause your body to make more insulin. In this way, Metformin is different from other glucose-control medications which control blood sugar by causing the body to release more of its own insulin. For this reason, Metformin rarely causes hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or weight gain.
Metformin can Help Women with Insulin Resistance or PCOS Lose Weight
Metformin is commonly prescribed for insulin resistance and polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS. Metformin combined with a low carbohydrate diet and exercise program has been shown to help women with PCOS or insulin resistance lose weight. In one study, 22 morbidly obese women with PCOS who were treated with Metformin for 24 weeks lost an average of 6% of their body weight (18 pounds) and had a 10% increase in their LDL and a 10% decrease in their fasting insulin levels. This weight loss was attributed to the resolution of insulin resistance provided by Metformin. In the same study, those who continued on Metformin after one year maintained their weight loss while those who stopped Metformin regained 50% of their weight. Another study showed that women who continued on Metformin following their weight loss, maintained that loss for 2 to 4 years.
Metformin can Restore Menstruation
Metformin restores menstruation. In a study of 43 women with PCOS who were not having their periods, 39 of them resumed menstruation while taking Metformin. In another study, 11 teenage girls with PCOS were given Metformin and a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet and 10 of them resumed normal menses.
Metformin Increases Fertility in Women with PCOS
Metformin increases fertility in women with insulin resistance and/or PCOS. PCOS is known to prevent ovulation and conception. Women with PCOS who do conceive often suffer from miscarriages within the first three months of pregnancy. However, in one study of 118 women with PCOS who took Metformin, 91% ovulated and conceived normally. In that same study, 60 of the women took Metformin throughout their pregnancy and over 90% of them gave birth to healthy babies. Metformin falls into FDA category B, which means it is not expected to be harmful to an unborn child but has not been tested and approved for use by pregnant women. Metformin has been found in breast milk when taken while breastfeeding. If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, talk to your health care provider before starting on Metformin.
Metformin Helps Reduce the Risk of Miscarriage
Metformin reduces the risk of miscarriage. Women with PCOS are at a high risk of repeated miscarriages. However, in a study of women who took Metformin while pregnant only 8.8% of them suffered miscarriages while the non-Metformin group suffered miscarriages at a rate of 41.9%. In the same study, 11.1% of the Metformin group who suffered miscarriages had miscarried before while 58.3% of the non-Metformin group who suffered miscarriages had miscarried before.
Metformin Reduces the Risk of Developing Gestational Diabetes
Studies show that women with PCOS who conceive while taking Metformin or who took it throughout their pregnancy were less likely to develop gestational diabetes.
Metformin Reduces Testosterone Levels in Women with PCOS
Metformin reduces testosterone levels in women with PCOS. In one study of 24 obese women with PCOS, the 11 who were given Metformin had a reduction in insulin levels, which slowed production of an enzyme in the ovaries that affects the production of testosterone. Metformin was also found to reduce levels of testosterone in non-obese women.
Metformin Prevents or Delays the Onset of Diabetes
Metformin prevents or delays the onset of diabetes. Studies show that 70% of women who suffer from PCOS eventually develop type 2 diabetes. In one study, however, Metformin decreased the development of diabetes by 31%.
Other Benefits of Metformin
Metformin may help increase the success of in vitro fertilization, may help lower cholesterol levels and may improve energy levels.
Of course, like any drug, Metformin has many potential side effects. The most common side effect is gastrointestinal upset, which usually only occurs during the first few weeks of taking Metformin. Other side effects include, but are not limited to, general malaise, a temporary metallic taste, vitamin B12 malabsorption, and lactic acidosis. It is important to be aware of these potential side effects when taking Metformin.
Metformin is the Miracle Drug for Women with PCOS
Metformin is not yet approved for the treatment of PCOS but is commonly prescribed for that purpose. As indicated above, numerous studies found Metformin to be helpful in resolving many of the major symptoms of PCOS. No other drug is currently available for the treatment of PCOS. If you are suffering from PCOS or insulin resistance, talk to you health care provider about Metformin.”..  taken from
I can prove that it is beneficial for me. I can lose weight a lot (with the help of doing workout at the gym too), my period comes regularly and I believe my testosterone level decrease as well…I cut down my food intake, no junk food, no carbonated drinks, reduce sugar intake, drink less coffee or drink decaf coffee, no late supper and drink lots of plain water.
Of course the side effects of taking this metformin are really bad and harsh but it does wonders to many people. You can ‘google’ about it and you will find out that many people has testified that it works..
For the first 2 weeks, my doc only prescribes me taking half tablet of 850mg per day. The 3rd week, take one tablet 850mg per day and the following week, take 2 tablets per day. She ask me take the medicine bit by bit as she afraid that the side effect will become worse if I take 2 tablets directly. I have to adapt my body for taking this metformin. But still can feel the effect when taking the half tablet, the side effects which I had:-
·         Bad headache
·         Tummy bloating
·         Nauseous
·         Vomiting if I ate a lot or oily food ( if too bad )
·         Can’t concentrate on work
·         Diarrhea in the morning and after lunch usually
·         Body feel weak
·         Tired
·         Sleepy
I was feeling not well when taking metformin but I just try to cope with it. However, this is for my health’s sake. I want to be healthy again.
Been taking this for about one year, after some time, my body can adapt with the medicine and it’s a routine for me to take the medicine daily..
If your doctor has prescribed you the metformin, have a try and don’t give up if you don’t lose much weight or cannot cope with the side effects…Just give your body a time to re-adjust with the hormonal changes..and always go for a checkup with your doctor to check whether it works for you or not..
On top of all, always give glory and honour to God for what He has given to you and your spouse. Always constantly keep praying to Him for a bundle of joy because He is the one will gives what you want but in His timing, of course. Good luck in TTC.. J

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