Friday, March 18, 2011

Lunch Date with my ‘long- time-no-see’ friends

Silvia and Sylvia ( same pronunciation but different person, yeah..huhuh) , jangan kecik hati when I said ‘long-time-no-see’ friends..Bukannya apa, it has been a long time we don’t have a long, long conversation and have fellowship together…I love to have a chit-chat with you all face to face rather than Yahoo Messenging online..tak shiok bah..
I really had a nice time with you all at the Oldtown White Coffee Café at the Spring Mall just now..Forgot to cam-whore photos with you all lah just now..Too bad, Ms Song could not make it today ( anyway, I had nice drinking session (not drink liquor, yeah lol )  with her last Monday too).
I love to have another fellowship with you all again. Tapi bila lagi ya?? Hahah..alamatnya, kena tunggu another school break holiday lagi kot?? Hahahahah… ;-)

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