Monday, March 7, 2011

Pregnancy Symptoms - Week 9

The main pregnancy symptom that I had was EXTREME FATIGUE. Even though sleep early but still very sleepy on the next day..After work, I can just dozed off in the car..

Last Friday (4/03/2011) was the worst..Reached home, took early dinner and shower..after shower, I terus got to sleep till 11pm waken up by Trey who came in to sleep..then at 11.30pm, sleep again…on the next day, woke up a while to do coffee for Trey and back to sleep again till feeling tired…

Oh yeah, I almost forgotten, I had sciatica during pregnancy as well…when I get up from the chair or wake up from can feel pain from my buttock to my hip...I could feel the sharp pain on my left leg when I walk...It still hurt but can still bearable..Sometimes I ask Trey to massage my left leg just to relieve the pain a lil' bit..

I still have other symptoms like other weeks as well…
I think I put on weight this week.. lots of makan-makan event happening this week..but hope not that drastic otherwise doctor will scold me.. hahah…
Though lots of makan-makan but still at night, lose appetite but hungry..

my lil' bum is getting bigger.. :-) my tummy bulging a lil bit but no cramp or pain occured.. :-)

p/s: more info at

What is sciatica?

The sciatic nerve is a large nerve which comes from your lower back and travels down the back of your legs and then branches out to your feet. It allows you to feel sensations and move muscles in your legs. Sciatica is where inflammation or pressure from the back causes the sciatic nerve to become painful. Sometimes, the function of the nerve can become impaired resulting in weakness or pins and needles. Sciatica can be present with or without backache and can send pain down the back of your leg.

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